Team Building

Team Building Activities

Our specialised activities are designed with you to ensure your specific needs are met

Depending on the time you have available, or what you aim to achieve during your time with Exodus, you can choose between the extensive range of exciting and challenging activities we offer. We are able to do the following activities in North Sydney, Buccarumbi and North Brisbane.

Low Ropes

Low ropes encourage communication and teamwork.

Each challenge requires collective contributions of every team member drawing on their ideas, support and effort to achieve a team goal.

These activities are perfect for people of all ages and fitness levels.

Trust Activities

Trust activities provide participants with an experience that facilitates mutual respect, openness, understanding, and empathy, as well as helping to develop communication, trust, and leadership skills.

Trust activities will also improve self-esteem, confidence, responsibly, and team work skills whilst having a lot of fun.

Before attempting any trust activities, the group should spend time creating a foundation of trust that begins with a basic level of comfort with each other. Generally, trust activities should be done after the group has been introduced to one another, and spent some time participating in various ice breakers and other initiatives.

Trust activities are suitable for adults and school age children.

Team Building & Initiative Games

In educational or corporate environments there are a variety of personalities.

Success in a group can often depend on how well individuals are able to cooperate across projects and everyday tasks.

Team building and initiative games are more then just fun games as they are facilitated through using certain guiding principles that help people work together more effectively as a group towards a common goal.

The collaborative nature of our games are designed to provide high-impact learning, increase team skills and communications, and improve morale and productivity, develop problem solving skills, and build respect and trust with a group. It also allows people to see that everyone has different skills and approaches to a problem.

Team-building and initiative games are suitable for people of all ages.

Life Skills

Life skills is a term used to describe a set of basic skills acquired through learning and/or direct life experience. These skills enable individuals and groups to effectively handle issues and problems commonly encountered in daily life.

Life skills education will help people to manage money responsibly, make healthy food choices, stand up to unhealthy peer pressure, communicate effectively, develop coping and self management skills and have a positive self perception.

Programs are customised to suit the needs of individuals and your group, and the length of time you have to participate.

Suitable for adults and school aged children.
